請問冷面笑匠 還有耍冷的英文 該怎麼說? 謝謝:))
..by 張家瑜
Michael Wen 2015-05-20 12:19:46
張家瑜 2015-05-20 12:35:31
Michael Wen 冷面笑匠就是 當事人看起來不是搞笑型的人 但卻會搞笑 和他原本給人的感覺不同
Charles Wang 2015-05-20 15:27:36
Michael Wen Maybe the following two sentences could clue you in:1. He's a real deadpan comedian, always delivering his jokes in a deadpan way.2. He likes cracking lame jokes.
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 06:22:47
張家瑜 a deadpan comedian = 冷面的喜劇演員,例句請參考Charles 寫的
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 06:24:57
張家瑜 耍冷是指說冷笑話嗎? cracking lame jokes = telling bad jokes = 說冷笑話
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 06:26:48
Charles Wang Thanks for your answer!
張家瑜 2015-05-23 12:25:24
Charles Wang Thank you so much!
張家瑜 2015-05-23 12:26:19
Michael Wen 沒錯 我就是指說冷笑話 謝謝你 辛苦了!
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
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