請問 I could really use some cold drinks after the marathon. 的I could really use 是need 的意思嗎還有 In my book, you guys are stupid. 的 in my book 是 什麼意思 (感覺是所謂的slang 請問這個口語上常用嗎?麻煩了
..by 賴韋翰
Charles Wang 2015-06-13 15:57:12
1. I could really use some cold drinks after the marathon.=I really need/ want some cold drinks after the marathon.The idiom “could use” means “need/ want”.2. In my book, you guys are stupid.=In my opinion, you guys are stupid.The idiom “in one’s book” means “in one’s opinion”.
Michael Wen 2015-06-14 14:30:21
Charles Wang You are 100% right.
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