客氣 的英文怎么说
- She is a friendly person.
- He hasn't eaten for three days. She prepares food for him and he tries to eat like a gentleman. She says, "There is no need to stand on ceremony. You must be famished."
- Son: Thank you so much for visiting me.
Dad: Don't be formal. or Don't be a stranger. You are my son! - We are best friends and we are informal or comfortable around each other.
- When the flight attendant asks you if you want bread, don't be afraid to ask for more if you are hungry.
- Stop hitting me, or I'll fight back.
[1] Friendly[2] There is no need to stand on ceremony.
There is no need for formalities.
There is no need to be formal.
Don't be formal.[3] Don't be a stranger.[4] Ask for more...
There is no need for formalities.
There is no need to be formal.
Don't be formal.[3] Don't be a stranger.[4] Ask for more...
吃飯時叫大家自己來別客氣可以說 Help yourself! Don't be shy. 有時候根據不同的情況直接翻譯即可.
- 很客氣的人
- 他三天沒吃飯. 她煮飯給他吃, 他還吃的很斯文. 她就說, “別客氣. 你一定餓壞了.”
- 兒子: 謝謝你來看我.
父親: 你是我兒子, 客氣什麼. - 我們是最好的朋友, 在彼此面前不用客氣.
- 當空服員問你是否要麵包時妳別客氣.
- 別再打我了, 不然我就不客氣了.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
毛骨悚然的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 杞人憂天 f我要發問填空題
他所有方面都很出色,讓我們望塵莫及。 (請填空)
He excels on all fronts, putting the rest of us to same.
下一題 - 壞掉了