打混 的英文怎麼說
- Boss: What are you doing reading comic books? Stop fooling around and get back to work.
Subordinate: Yes, sir. - If you do nothing every day, you will have no future.
- Boss: I didn't pay you to loaf. Do some work!
- Stop messing around and do your homework.
- I often slack off at work doing personal things.
- Whenever my boss is away, I slack off.
- He got fired for being too lazy at work.
- goof off at work
- You are sloughing off; you are not doing push-ups the right way.
- Stop dawdling and help me with these packages!
[1] fool around[2] do nothing
loaf[3] slack off; goof off; mess around or off[4] being lazy[5] slough off[6] dawdle
loaf[3] slack off; goof off; mess around or off[4] being lazy[5] slough off[6] dawdle
Stop fooling around 指「別再打混」。slough off 的意思就是做一件事情時偷懶, 譬如說在做訓練時沒有把動作做完全.
- 你如果天天混日子過, 以後不會有出息.
- 老闆: 我不是付你錢讓你打混的, 快做事!
- 快做功課, 別再打混.
- 我工作時常常偷懶, 做自己的事情.
- 當我老闆不在時, 我就混時間.
- 他工作常常混水摸魚以致被開除.
- 上班偷懶
- 你在偷懶, 伏地挺身沒做完全.
- 如果你工作時打混, 也許就無法早點下班.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
護唇膏的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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