有雅量 的英文怎麼說
- A: I know I betrayed you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.
B: I am not big enough to forgive you. We need a timeout. - We must be merciful and forgiving when we are dealing with people.
- It's very big or gracious of you to help someone who has hurt you before.
- I don't believe you are big-hearted enough to attend your ex-wife's wedding.
- A: Want to go to lunch with me?
B: I thought we were still fighting.
A: No way. I forgot it already.
B: Wow you really have a big heart. - A: My wife and I are fighting.
B: C'mon be the bigger person here. Just forgive her! - magnanimous towards defeated enemies
- You must treat the misbehaving child with forbearance.
- One must learn to forgive and forget.
[1] Big; gracious[2] big-hearted; have a big heart[3] magnanimous[4] generous in forgiving people[5] forbearance[6] forgive[7] merciful and forgiving
就是形容一個人不記仇, 不耍小心眼. [1]最常用. [3]較正式, 通常用在對某些人的寬宏大量的態度. [4]是白話的說法.
I am not big enough to forgive you. = 我沒有度量大到能原諒你
「表現寬恕」可說 We must be merciful and forgiving.
I am not big enough to forgive you. = 我沒有度量大到能原諒你
「表現寬恕」可說 We must be merciful and forgiving.
- 你肯幫助以前傷害過你的人真是心胸寬大.
- 我不信你這麼大方願意參加前妻的婚禮.
- 甲: 要不要一起去吃中飯?
乙: 我以為我們還在吵架.
甲: 我早就什麼都忘了.
乙: 哇賽, 你的度量真大. - 對戰敗的敵人寬宏大量
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
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