賞花 的英文怎麼說
A: Let's go flower viewing in spring.
B: Since you refer specifically to the spring cherry blossoms in Japan, you should've said "Let's go cherry blossom viewing".
A: Yes, you are right. Let's go to Japan in spring for flower viewing.
B: Since you refer specifically to the spring cherry blossoms in Japan, you should've said "Let's go cherry blossom viewing".
A: Yes, you are right. Let's go to Japan in spring for flower viewing.
[1] flower viewing[2] cherry blossom viewing
flower viewing = 賞花,任何花都算
如果你要指定某種花,可以把 flower 換成別的花名,例如:
cherry blossom viewing = 賞櫻花
cherry blossom = 櫻花
如果你要指定某種花,可以把 flower 換成別的花名,例如:
cherry blossom viewing = 賞櫻花
cherry blossom = 櫻花
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
弱勢群體的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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