請問,除了“jet' lag”,時差還有什麼說法?time zone difference可以嗎?像是“因為時差問題,與貴司的會議時間請多給我們幾個選擇”這裡面的“時差”用jet lag不太好吧? 蟹蟹٩('ω')و
..by Deborah Jia
Pablo Lam 2019-05-30 16:42:27
time zone difference/time difference才是時差。jet lag是跨越不同時間旅行而產生的疲勞現象。另外,如果是跟歐洲大陸的人講到時差時建議用hour zone/hour difference他們比較懂;因為法文西班牙文都是"hour zone"
Shirley Hsieh 2019-06-03 16:23:43
Pablo Lam 所以要跟人說(類似提醒網友說)我們在不同時區 可以說Our time zones are different.嗎? Our hours are different? 謝謝
Michael Wen 2019-06-09 19:43:06
時差 = time differenceDue to the time difference between the U.S. and Taiwan, some NBA games are viewed in the local day time in Taiwan.
Michael Wen 2019-06-09 19:44:55
Shirley Hsieh jet lag = 時差產生的疲倦跟其他生理現象He was suffering from jet lag and had to rest.
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