Wife: Why haven't you picked up the mail? Husband: You've asked that ten times already. Stop na...
Wife: Why haven't you picked up the mail? Husband: You've asked that ten times already. Stop nagging!
A: I have a whiny wife. What should I do? B: Ask her to not whine so much. Love her more.
A: How does everyone feel about the new company policy? B: Nobody likes it. Everyone complains about it. A: In that case we'll need to find out why nobody likes it.
A: I hate you. You've not done much for me. Compared to my ex, you are nothing.. B: Stop whining. At least I have done some things for you. You have done absolutely nothing for me. So why are you complaining?
People are protesting the death of an unarmed African American man at the hands of the Caucasian police.
The rich are launching a public protest against increased taxation specifically aimed at the rich.
A: Does our customer agree with our proposal? B: No, he disagrees. He keeps complaining that the profit margin is too low.