..by Fung Yip
Charles Wang 2015-05-13 02:30:41
Please allow me to put my two cents worth in:1. The boss always scolds her employees, but she has far more bark than bite/ her bark is much worse than her bite.2. You don’t know beans about it at all.
Michael Wen 2015-05-13 11:28:49
her bark is much worse than her bite 用來形容口硬心軟,還真恰當!
Michael Wen 2015-05-13 11:30:55
There are many ways to say "你知道什麼!" and many of them include profanity. One simple way to say it is simply "You know nothing about it." or "What do you know about it? Nothing"
Fung Yip 2015-05-14 17:45:30
Michael Wen I would like to know the sentences that may be offensive.Would you mind telling me some of them?Thanks!(you may not show the whole words for some dirty words e.g. f**k)
Michael Wen 2015-05-20 12:15:30
Fung Yip Usually that kind of sentence is like "what the xxxx do you know?"
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