hi,would you please help me translate the following text?Thank you.EMBA-Global Asia is the executive MBA programme that immerses you in three of the most dynamic cities in the world, London, NY and Hong Kong. It empowers you with the most relevant skills from top tier business schools on each continent providing you with authentic global experiences and unrivaled networks. Anchored in Hong Kong, EMBA Global Asia puts you in the centre of the fastest growing emerging markets in the region allowing you to seize opportunities and create change that transforms your career and perspective on the world around you.
..by Fung Yip
Michael Wen 2016-01-03 13:59:11
Do you mean translate it into Chinese?
Charles Wang 2016-01-05 10:52:02
Speak Fluent English: Learn How to Think in English
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
混為一談的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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Cod roe bread from Le Gout is mind-blowin.
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