A: You need to pay $10. B: Every one else pays $8. Why do I need to pay $10? Are you ripping me...
A: You need to pay $10. B: Every one else pays $8. Why do I need to pay $10? Are you ripping me off? or Am I being shortchanged? or Am I getting gypped? or Am I being taken advantage of? or Am I getting ripped off?
The attractive girl takes advantage of her male friends all the time. She always gets a ride when she goes out.
A smooth talker, he gets people to do things for him all the time.
My cousin mooches dinner off of me all the time.
With a strong password, you shouldn't ever have to worry about who connects to your network. Piggybackers will have to find someone else to mooch off of.
Wi-Fi is so ubiquitous that you don't have to worry about your neighbors leeching off of you.
She's wealthy but she loves to freeload off of her friends.
He often mooches meals off of his friends.
He bums my cigarettes all the time.
A: He eats at my house all the time. B: Doesn't that make him a freeloader? A: Yes he is, but he is poor. So I am fine with it.
He is a selfish factory owner who exploits his workers by having them work fifteen hours a day.
你在占我便宜嗎? = 我吃虧了嗎? = Am I getting ripped off? = Am I being taken advantage of? = Am I being shortchanged? = Are you ripping me off? = Am I getting gypped?
gyp = gip
bum 常用在免費拿別人的香菸來占別人便宜上,take advantage of somebody 跟 use somebody 是最簡單易懂的說法。
In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicat, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.