你好請問"工作經驗"與"上班時間"英文該怎麼翻才正確呢??應該翻成working experience/hours或work experience/hours??之間有甚麼差別呢??謝謝
..by Jason Liu
Charles Wang 2016-02-19 05:48:42
1. shop with coffee = coffee shopThe prepositional phrase “with coffee”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “shop”, is simplified as the noun “coffee”, placed at the front of the modified noun “shop” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.2. store for convenience = convenience storeThe prepositional phrase “for convenience”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “store”, is simplified as the noun “convenience”, placed at the front of the modified noun “store” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.3. experience in work = work experienceThe prepositional phrase “in work”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “experience”, is simplified as the noun “work”, placed at the front of the modified noun “experience” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.4. jacket for flying = flying jacketThe prepositional phrase “for flying”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “jacket”, is simplified as the gerund “flying”, placed at the front of the modified noun “jacket” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.5. area for smoking = smoking areaThe prepositional phrase “for smoking”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “area”, is simplified as the gerund “washing”, placed at the front of the modified noun “area” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.6. time for working = working timeThe prepositional phrase “for working”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “time”, is simplified as the gerund “working”, placed at the front of the modified noun “time” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.7. machine that washes = washing machineThe relative clause “that washes”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “machine”, is simplified as the present participle “washing”, placed at the front of the modified noun “machine” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.8. water that boils = boiling waterThe relative clause “that boils”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “water”, is simplified as the present participle “boiling”, placed at the front of the modified noun “water” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.9. road that winds = winding roadThe relative clause “that winds”, placed at the rear of the modified noun “road”, is simplified as the present participle “winding”, placed at the front of the modified noun “road” and functioning as an adjective in grammar.
Jason Liu 2016-02-19 10:48:15
Charles Wang 感謝老師,it's much clearer!! :)看了說明,另外又有個問題譬如說: area for smoking或time for working能不能改用為area for smoke或time for work??意義或使用上有甚麼不同嗎??感謝
Charles Wang 2016-02-20 09:44:12
The preposition “for” must be followed by an object, which can be a gerund or a noun.“Area for smoking” makes sense because the gerund “smoking” means an action while “area for smoke” doesn’t make sense because the noun “smoke” doesn’t mean an action.“Time for working” makes sense because the gerund “working” means an action while “time for work” doesn’t make sense because the noun “work” doesn’t mean an action.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-02-23 11:54:12
工作經驗 = work experience上班時間 = work hours,你也可以直接說 when I am working..
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
床單的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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