..by 魏良瑋
Charles Wang 2015-05-23 11:16:41
Hi Michael,For this sentence could we say: a volleyball match is just like a microcosm of life?
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 13:51:11
A volleyball game can be likened to a condensed version of life.
Michael Wen 2015-05-23 13:53:11
Charles Wang I think the asker means "a condensed version" by 縮影. I was tempted to use the word "epitome" but I think it's more like a condensed version of literary work. Thanks for chiming in!
Charles Wang 2015-05-23 15:01:08
Michael WenYour comment on the translation of "縮影" really hit the nail on the head.The following descriptions are excerpted from http://www.etymonline.com/:*********************************************************************condense= intensive prefix+ dense/ thick/ crowded: condensed version of the Bibleepitome= into+ cut: epitome of Roman historymicrocosm= small+ world: microcosm of life*********************************************************************condense (v.) early 15c., from Middle French condenser (14c.) or directly from Latin condensare "to make dense," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + densare "make thick," from densus "dense, thick, crowded," a word used of crowds, darkness, clouds, etc. (see dense).*********************************************************************epitome (n.) 1520s, "an abstract; brief statement of the chief points of some writing," from Middle French épitomé (16c.), from Latin epitome "an abridgment," from Greek epitome "an abridgment, a cutting on the surface; brief summary," from epitemnein "cut short, abridge," from epi "into" (see epi-) + temnein "to cut" (see tome). Sense of "person or thing that typifies something" is first recorded c. 1600. Related: Epitomical.*********************************************************************microcosm (n.) c. 1200, mycrocossmos (modern form from early 15c.), "human nature, man viewed as the epitome of creation," literally "miniature world," from Middle French microcosme and in earliest use directly from Medieval Latin microcosmus, from Greek mikros "small" (see mica) + kosmos "world" (see cosmos). General sense of "a community constituting a world unto itself" is attested from 1560s. Related: Microcosmic. A native expression in the same sense was petty world (c. 1600).*********************************************************************
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